Christmas in Athens
Sitting here on top of my hotel in Athens Greece on Christmas day I've had some time to reflect on the day and my trip so far.
Initially I decided to come to Greece for Christmas to get away from the heat of the UAE. At times the cooler temps here have been a bit more than I bargained for, but on the whole it's been quite nice. Having said that Christmas day 2016 was truly amazing. Bright and sunny without a cloud in sight. I'm sure the temperature got to at least 15 and because it was Christmas day, even less crowded than this whole trip has been.
Initially I decided to come to Greece for Christmas to get away from the heat of the UAE. At times the cooler temps here have been a bit more than I bargained for, but on the whole it's been quite nice. Having said that Christmas day 2016 was truly amazing. Bright and sunny without a cloud in sight. I'm sure the temperature got to at least 15 and because it was Christmas day, even less crowded than this whole trip has been.
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My first view of the Acropolis |
When I got here I had all kinds of time on day one, I arrived at the hotel by 2pm, so I went for a walk. It didn't take me long to realise that just about everything I came to see was within walking distance. I hadn't made any plans before coming except to go to the Parthenon and I found a group ticket that would take me to all the main sights so I bought it.
The Parthenon on the Acropolis |
first stop. An ancient library |
Day two was about using the ticket. I went to the Acropolis, which I later learned means fortress in Greek, and a library (can't remember the name of the guy who built it), then I was off to the Ancient Agora. I think the Agora was my favourite place. It's like a huge garden with buildings and ruins. I could imagine what it must have been like when in its prime.
A temple in the Ancient Agora |
I ended up leaving sooner than I planned due to some physical needs, if you know what I mean.
The ruins in the Agora |
Day 3 was exactly as planned, go back to the Ancient Agora,
Temple of Olympian Zeus |
Hadrian's Gate. Next to the Temple of Olympian Zeus.
It was a bit chilly on this day but I persevered.
Day 4 was a day trip to Meteora which is a pretty cool place to go. Monasteries on top of columns of rock with no easy access. It amazes me the length to which people will go to in order to get away from other people, but in a way I understand being the antisocial loner I am.
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a little bit of Lord of the Rings |
hidden monastery |
Day 5 I didn't do to much. It was rainy and cold so I went to the mall to watch Passengers, which of course hasn't been released here yet so I took the subway to the port and looked at the boats for awhile. Not much else except the Greek woman who stole my change. (if you follow my Facebook page U'll understand the story).
Day 6 was a one day cruise to 3 Islands. Poros, Hydra(pronounced Eedra) and Aegina.
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Poros island |
the cruise ship |
I love being on boats so I was really looking forward to this day trip and it didn't disappoint. Small island life must be really relaxing.
Hydra island |
Here is the only town on this Island. There are no cars or even bikes allowed on this island. Kind of like Venice.
Aegina Island |
Here is the Sanctuary of Aphala.
I really love ruins for some reason. Of all the things I like about Greece it is the ruins. I went to a few churches but I didn't find them very interesting.
This was one of the biggest churches I saw |
The Orthodox churches are a lot smaller in Greece than the churches in the rest of Europe.
inside there was scaffolding. one of the problems of going in off-season |
Day 7
Was a day off from sightseeing, instead I went shopping. I decided to get myself some tourist trinkets. One of the reasons I struggle in Bangkok is because they have so many places to buy all that stuff you don't need and Athens isn't much different. There is an entire street dedicated to selling garbage but I was able to find some nice things.
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Left=Aphrodite on a Ionic column Right=Hades with Cerberus on an Ionic Column |
Day 8 and my final day in Greece
For my final day in Greece I booked a one day tour of Delphi where the famous Oracle lived and gave prophesy to any who would come. She would smell the fumes that came up from the underworld and they would give her visions and allow her to commune with Apollo. All messages that came from the God were in verse so that they would need to be deciphered. I was hoping to get to go into the caves and see where this was done but unfortunately it wasn't allowed. So instead I got some pictures of the Temple of Apollo where the Oracle lived, a theatre and a stadium.
First thing at the Delphi site is a treasury |
The treasuries were where you would leave your donation to the god of choice. In its hayday there were many of these around.
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picture of what they think it looked like |
Below the temple were all the treasuries.
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Temple of Apollo (ruins) |
Above the temple of Apollo is a theatre.
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Theatre |
Can you imagine watching a play here. I don't think I would be able to concentrate on the entertainment. I would be looking at the view.
Above the theatre is the stadium. I doesn't appear in the picture because it is too high.
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best view of it all that I could get. |
The one thing I really wanted to see besides the caves was the Temple of Athena. It is the most iconic part of this area but it wasn't included in the one day tour which kind of bothered me. I did get a picture from far away. I should have walked down to it instead of going to the museum.
if you zoom in you can see it in the middle. It's the three columns.
That's pretty much all the sightseeing I did. The weather was amazing the entire time I was in Greece. The first couple of days it was cool, maybe highs of 11 or 12 but after that it was sunny and over 15 degrees every day. The day I had to go to the airport it was around 3 degrees and raining.
The hotel I stayed in, Athens Center Square Hotel, was in an almost perfect location. Everything was within easy walking distance and it was fairly easy to find, the only problem with its location was the drug park that was next door. While driving around to pick up other people for the tours I saw a lot of other really nice looking hotels. I would probably stay in one of those next time but only because I seem to be at a point in my life where I want to stay in comfort and style, I don't like to do the budget thing anymore unless I have to.
It's pretty easy to see the effects of the financial crisis in Athens. There is graffiti everywhere except, thankfully, on the monuments. Homeless people all over the place, beggars on the trains and around the tourist areas. The nice thing I noticed is that Greek people are really generous. Almost every time I saw a beggar I also saw someone give them some money. Greeks are really nice but like any big city they tend to not make room for you while you are walking. I ran into many people in my travels, and I mean that literally.
All in all, I would say Athens was one of my all time favorite vacations and I would go back in a heart beat if the occasion presented itself. If you get a chance to go, I say do it. You won't regret it at all.