Saturday, May 25, 2013

May 19-25

Made it through another week.  This one wasn't as tiring but still fairly long.  I had to cover at another classroom for my buddy who was on vacation for a couple days.  He prepared me for a very chalenging day which didn't really happen.  Most of the kids were quite well behaved.  Having said that though, I think it was just because I am a freak of nature that they had never seen before.  I am at least twice as big as their regular Native teacher and I have a very different style of teaching, especially when I am at a classroom I won't be in again in the near future.  All the kids were completely fascinated by me so they spent the whole lesson staring at me and asking me questions, which I of course couldn't answer, not speaking the language and all.  We all had fun so it was all good.

At my school I had to teach my least favorite kid in all my schools.  I detest this child and he is only about 9 years old.  He thinks I'm an idiot because I don't speak Japanese and I despise him because her is the laziest, most spoiled child I have ever encountered.  He completely disrupts my lesson by talking to the other boys and saying rude things about me.  I might not know what he is saying but I understand that he is being a little S**T!  I think next month I might make him go sit in the corner if he acts up.

Later in the week I had to go to a private high school to assist with a couple of lessons and give a 30min presentation.  The first class was on the 3rd floor and as we (the home room teacher and I) opened the door to the hallway I thought there was a fight because someone hit the wall across from the door.  Turns out it was just a guy throwing his girlfriend against the wall and taking a kiss.  I assume she was his girlfriend because she didn't seem to mind the activity.  I think the Japanese teacher said something to them but not really sure.  Next thing we went into the classroom to do the communication lesson.  My job here is to stand around until such time as the regular teacher needs me to speak lines for the students to repeat.  I think I delivered in the neighborhood of 8 lines of text.  Not the most difficult of jobs.

Off to the next lesson which turned out to not be  a lesson at all.  This is the class where I had to give my 30min presentation. The name of the class is Dream Craft, not sure why.  Now I was feeling a little nervous because I had only found out the day before that it was supposed to be 30mins long.  I originally thought it was going to be a 5min spiel about my life.  I had about an hour of prep time the night before to make a slide show and print off a few picutres of my travels and prepare a monologue.  If the reaction of the teachers was any indication it went pretty well.  The students seemed very interested in what I had to say even though they were to shy to ask me any questions after but thats ok too.

for the final lesson we had to deal with the 3rd graders (or 12th graders for the North Americans).  This private high school is where the kids who couldn't get into a regular school go so you can imagine what kind of students are in here.  It's amazing the difference between the 1st and 3rd grades.  By the 3rd grade they are all on their cell phones and refuse to listen to the teacher.  2 got kicked out of the classroom and one student had a pretty serious stare down with the Japanese teacher.  I was impressed with how she dealt with him cuz I would have slapped him upside the head and kicked his butt out.

Not much else happened this week.  The weather has been very hot.  High 20's and even a couple of 30 degree days.  Summer is here and it looks a little like rainy season might start next week.  I like rainy season because it's not really a rainy season as far as I'm concerned.  One or two days of rain a week isn't a rainy season in my books.

Anywho, enjoy your week and I will be back with more next Friday or Saturday.

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