Sunday, November 24, 2013

My Story has a Dragon

My Story has a Dragon

I haven't done any real writing of my story yet, but I have planned it out a bit.  I think its going to be good as long as I can do justice to the writing.  It's going to be a morals story about free power and how not earning it can be destructive to yourself and the ones around you.  'Nough said about that.

Had an interesting week.  Observed a class I will be teaching in December.  Nice kids.  I think it will be good times.  I also taught at another branch  this week.  Two lessons were delivered, but only one was done well.  I blame the preparation for the bad first lesson.  I was told that I was teaching lesson six but in reality I was doing lesson five.  Good thing the Co-teacher came to work early and let me know or it could have gotten ugly in there.  The second lesson was probably one of the best lessons I've given since joining this company.  Right from the very beginning I had a strong connection with the students and they were very responsive in every way.  Considering the fact that I usually do a half-assed job at this level I was very pleasantly surprised with the out come.  I have to go back again this coming week and I am looking forward to it.  The other thing that came from this day was I got to see how another branch works.  Some things I liked and others not so much.  Happy to be where I am and I'm looking forward to not having to do these coverage lessons.  Starting in December I will have my full and regular schedule.  Should be a good thing.

I think this weekend has been the busiest weekend I've had since coming to Taiwan.  Saturday was "filled" with a training session at work.  I went to the gym in the morning and realized just how weak my legs have become over the past few years.  I guess I have been focusing on the upper body a bit too much.  Hopefully I will correct that over the next few weeks.  After training I was supposed to go and pick up some things from a friend who is leaving Taiwan next week.  That got canceled so I went shopping instead and found a blender on sale for half price that I have wanted for awhile now.  That made Saturday a good day. (oh how our level of expectation can change)  Sunday was not as busy but I still had things to do.  I was able to go pick up some dishes and cups from my friend and had a nice chat while doing that.  When I got back home I decided it was pizza day so I went to the grocery store and did some shopping for food for the week and picked up a Hawaiian pizza (oh so yummy!) while eating the pizza I was watching my Facebook feed and a guy put up a small sub and speaker set.  I've been looking for a decent deal on a speaker set almost since I moved in here.  I immediately arranged to purchase it.  Man, it is so much nicer with a little bottom end on the sound you are listening to.  

Hopefully I will get a start on writing my story this week.  I have to do some more training this week and teaching but I am determined more then ever to get this book started and completed in the coming year

Well, that's all for now.  Catch you on the down low.

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